Smart Thoughts
In this blog I share my opinion on the state of the market, trends and tips you can use to improve your property investing.

Objects Versus People – Which insurance?
A recent article in Stuff stated that: “New Zealanders place more value on their house and car than they do health and family if current insurance trends are...
Mortgage rates are likely to rise – so what does this mean to you and your home lending?
Surprising to us at SMART that seventy-five per cent of Kiwi mortgages are either floating, or fixed for less than one year. The one year being offered is an...
Are you a First Home Buyer with less than 20% deposit?
Are you a First Home Buyer looking to buy a home with less than 20% deposit? By Rohit Ranchhod | Mortgage Broker Waikato | Pay off your Mortgage WAY faster...
Will the loan to value ratio (LVR) restrictions affect you?
By Rohit Ranchhod | Smart Brokers | Mortgage Broker With the reserve bank looking likely to introduce LVR restrictions to 80% of the property value, this...
Want to live a debt free lifestyle?
Imagine the possibilities of living debt free. Travel overseas, start a business, work part time, spend more time with the family, purchase investment...
Can I buy a rental property as my first home?
Clever young people can and do buy rental properties as their first home. Many stay living at home with their mum and dad, while building up capital in their...
Why you need life insurance
Not me! I'm never going to die. We all like to think that we are invincible! Well the reality is we all die eventually and some of us will leave our loved...
Why everyone should write a Will
Article curated by Rohit Ranchhod | Smart Brokers | Mortgage Broker You're broke. You have no children. You hate the rellies. Trust me. Even you need to write...
Mortgage wars: Banks paying fees
The low growth residential mortgage market has created a new phenomenon with banks now prepared to cough up break fees to help win business from customers on...
How to kill your credit rating — in six simple steps
Having a squeaky clean credit rating is very useful in life. Article Curated by Rohit Ranchhod | Smart Brokers | Mortgage Broker It'll help you next time you...