Smart Insurance For Your Lifestyle and Future
Lifestyle insurance means that if one part of your life takes a beating, you and the people who matter can carry on without undue hardship. We know many insurers bang on about the horrible things that could go wrong in your life, leaving you financially strapped. Our approach is different. We take a really pragmatic view and look to ensure you have the lifestyle protection in place for what matters most to you! For us it’s about affordability, your priorities and the circumstances you’re in now and down the track. Once we know what your focuses are, we build the lifestyle insurance programme that really helps you achieve your goals – no matter what life throws at you!
Smart Insurance For Your Lifestyle and Future
Most of us start out by protecting the things we value; home insurance, contents insurance and vehicle insurance. That way we know that we have the means to replace the things that give us the lifestyle we choose. Talk to us about getting the smartest insurance for your key goals so you have total peace of mind.
Lifestyle insurance – protect your income
Protecting your income make good sense! But it’s important to structure this in the right way – often times things like disability insurance, trauma or critical illness insurance and income protection insurance are linked… which can mean you’re paying for three policies that all expire when you make a claim on one of them! There are so many products in the market; landlord protection insurance, mortgage protection insurance, redundancy insurance, business income insurance and business overheads insurance not to mention health insurance and accident insurance – getting the balance right and making the most of your money can be tricky. Talk to us, we take the pain out of the equation and give you smarter income protection so you can always afford to live the life you want.
Smarter lifestyle insurance solutions
Our job is to genuinely set you up with the lifestyle insurance you want and can afford. We guide you through all your options (for free) and help you make the best decision for now, and with an eye to the future. That’s why we stay in touch. It’s why we contact you for when you’ve lost weight, given up smoking, had a baby or retired – that way, we can proactively help you find the best insurance policies at the best price for your changing circumstance. Old and out of date insurance policies cost you – when that money could be in your pocket. That’s also why we can help you with KiwiSaver and ACC Cover Plus Extra. We make sure you have the best possible advice to maintain the lifestyle you have… and build to the one you want to have!