Lifestyle Insurance

Income Protection Insurance

Income protection insurance pays you a percentage of your regular income for an agreed period of time, under agreed terms. You do have a number of options – and that means a huge range in terms of affordability. No two income protection insurance policies are necessarily the same so it’s important to understand the fine print. That way you’re protected where you want to be and not paying more than you need. Different policies may be mutually exclusive so it’s important to work with an experienced adviser to get it right. Talk to us today.

Understanding income protection insurance

Income protection insurance is often very flexible and you can choose your level of cover (stand down period, length of payment and the percentage payment) to make your premiums more affordably. What’s important is that you understand fully what it is you are buying – to make sure you have the cover you expect. That means working with an experienced broker to help you factor in your most critical risks so you can choose your best value for money option. Talk to us first!

Income protection insurance extras

Other types of insurance may be more suited to your circumstances. We help you decide what will work best for you; disability insurancetrauma or critical illness insurance,  or mortgage protection insurance. If you have a business then business income insurancebusiness overheads insurance and key person insurance may offer you a better solution. And your health insurance policy can also help. The important thing is to get your overall insurance programme right and make sure you’re not doubling up!

Free review and free quote on your income protection insurance

You may have cover in place already. Our job is first to understand what you need and then review what you have. At the very least you’ll have increased confidence in your policies. Our goal is to save you money or deliver much better value so talk to us. That way you get assurance that you can focus on living the life you want.