Smart Insurance For Your Important People
Smarter people insurance means making sure that if you’re not around; the people who matter to you are looked after. There are many ‘people’ insurance products designed to pay out based on the insured person’s preferences. Life Insurance is the most obvious product but it all depends on your situation; your work, your income, if you’re in business, if you have dependants, and your current assets and debts. Our job is to find the best products (or combination) to make sure your important people are protected in a way that’s affordable for you now.
People insurance – protect your family
You will have heard of life insurance, funeral insurance, disability insurance, trauma or critical illness insurance of course. They’re the main ones that most people recognise and are designed to pay out if you aren’t able to earn in your usual way. Mortgage protection insurance is another common one. Less obvious are income protection insurance, redundancy insurance or even landlord protection insurance – designed to make sure you and the people you care about have the money you need to carry on. These types of insurance policies typically overlap, so talk to us to find the right combination (smarter protection) to make sure you have the cover you want, and expect.
People insurance – protect your business
Business insurances are critical if you’re in business – to ensure that your business continues to operate if your key people can’t be around. Key person insurance, business income insurance and business overheads insurance make sure your business can operate as usual. That means you, your staff and your family have far less to worry about that they otherwise would. ACC Cover Plus Extra is another way to ensure your business interests are looked after. It means you can be insured for an agreed amount (and won’t have to prove the business earnings which takes time and creates stress when you just don’t need it). Talk to us about structuring the smarter protection (and saving on insurance costs) so you can get on with building success.
Smarter people insurance solutions
Your people matter every day. That’s why smarter protection means considering health insurance, home insurance and contents insurance to make sure you’re all protected from the big and small tragedies that can happen. It’s also about creating wealth down the track. You choose the people insurance for the areas that matter most – we structure your protection so that you know exactly where your risks are, and what you can relax about. That’s why we also help you get the most out of KiwiSaver. We give you a total solution so your important people can continue to depend on you for all that you provide – and create the life you all want to enjoy!