Do you want to pay off your mortgage and all debts within 10 years, without impacting your lifestyle?
By Rohit Ranchhod | Mortgage Broker Waikato | Pay off your Mortgage WAY faster
This is a strategy that banks and lenders are highly unlikely to explain as it is not in their best interest to do so.
Paying a $500,000 mortgage over 30 years, depending on the current interest rates, could mean paying $405,628 in interest alone!
Conversely, over 10 years it could be $128,686.
These numbers are quite stunning!
More importantly saving, a massive $276,942 in interest.
All whilst not impacting your lifestyle.
That’s why the banks and lenders want to keep this a secret!
And I have helped many Kiwi families do this.
That’s why I’m known as the ‘SMART Money Expert’.
I show Kiwi’s all the hints, tips & tricks to save thousands of dollars in interest on their mortgage and debts.
With my support, people have managed to purchase new homes, renovate their own homes…
and even been able to afford to travel, cover children’s education costs.
And work towards having a comfortable retirement all whilst not living from payday to payday.